Sunday 3rd August 2025
You can book your place on the walk using Ticket source, link below.
Alternatively you can download this registration form, and scan it and email it to oscambrianvolunteers@gmail.com
(Contact this email address for an address to post the registration form to)
Important Information/Terms and Conditions

Walk bookings will close 5 days before the walk (30th July 2025).
Emergency mobile phone numbers will be given at the start of the walk.
For all other queries contact us at oswestrycambrianrc.co.uk
Please come prepared for all weathers and bring suitable clothing and footwear.
Some of the walk is in the countryside and walkers should be aware of slip and trip hazards.
The route crosses roads and walkers should be aware of fast moving traffic at theses points.
Please bring drinks, top up water will be available on the route, and if you need to bring food.
All walkers undertake the walks at their own risk and the Rotary Club of Oswestry Cambrian will not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of personal injury or loss or damage to personal effects which may be sustained on the walk.
Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome, but sheep and cattle may be in the fields
Please respect the countryside code.
Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.